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package com.gigglingcorpse.utils; import nme.display.Sprite; import; import nme.Lib; import nme.text.TextField; import nme.text.TextFormat; /** * A simple profiler. Instantiate it and add it to the stage. * From then on you can refer to it through its class name (Profiler). * Requires that the debug flag be set, that way I can leave the calls in my code and not worry about it. * * @author brad */ class Profiler extends Sprite { #if debug private static inline var graphWidth:Int = 100; private static var _instance:Profiler; // Frame rate tracking private var _frameTime:Float; private var _frameWindow:Int; private var _currentFrame:Int; private var _fps:Int; private var _fps_spr:TextField; // How much time the profiler has spent running private var _selfTime:Float; // The code sections data private var _sectionMap:Hash
; private var _onStage:Bool; // Frame time tracking private var _lastTime:Float; private var _now:Float; // When (running) profiler code was started (different from _instancedAt) private var _startedAt:Float; // When the profiler was instanced/started private var _instancedAt:Float; #end public function new( ?frameLength:Int ) { #if debug if ( _instance == null ) { super(); _instance = this; _instancedAt = Lib.getTimer(); startThis(); _sectionMap = new Hash
(); _frameTime = 0; _selfTime = 0; _now = 0; _frameWindow = (frameLength > 0 ) ? frameLength : 10; _lastTime = _instancedAt; // Setup the text field _fps_spr = new TextField(); var tf = new TextFormat( "_sans", 10, 0x000000 ); _fps_spr.defaultTextFormat = tf; _fps_spr.border = false; _fps_spr.background = false; _fps_spr.text = "fps: --"; _fps_spr.width = 100; _fps_spr.height = 15; _fps_spr.selectable = false; addChild( _fps_spr ); // Setup event handlers var stage = Lib.current.stage; addEventListener( Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addedToStage ); addEventListener( Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, removedFromStage ); stage.addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame ); stopThis(); return this; } else return _instance; #else super(); #end } // Event handlers #if debug private inline function onFrame( e:Event ) { startThis(); _now = Lib.getTimer(); _frameTime += _now - _lastTime; _currentFrame = ( _currentFrame + 1 ) % _frameWindow; if ( _currentFrame == 0 ) { _fps = _frameWindow / ( _frameTime / 1000.0 )); _frameTime = 0; if ( _onStage ) updateGraphics(); } _lastTime = _now; stopThis(); } private inline function addedToStage( e:Event ) { _onStage = true; updateGraphics(); } private inline function removedFromStage( e:Event ) { _onStage = false; } #end // Custom section tracking functions /** * Starts timing for a section. (It will create the section if it doesn't exist.) * @param section Your reference string for the section. */ public static #if !debug inline #end function start( section:String ) { #if debug startThis(); if ( !_instance._sectionMap.exists( section ) ) { _instance._sectionMap.set( section, new SectionData( section ) ); } else _instance._sectionMap.get( section ).start(); _instance.stopThis(); #end } /** * Stops timing for a section. * @param section Your reference string for the section. * @return If the section exists. */ public static #if !debug inline #end function stop( section:String ) : Bool{ #if debug startThis(); var r = false; if ( _instance._sectionMap.exists( section ) ) { _instance._sectionMap.get( section ).stop(); r = true; } _instance.stopThis(); return r; #else return false; #end } /** * Returns the total time logged for a section. * @param section reference string. * @return time logged. */ public static #if !debug inline #end function get( section:String ) : Float { #if debug startThis(); if ( _instance._sectionMap.exists( section ) ) return _instance._sectionMap.get( section ).time(); _instance.stopThis(); #end return 0; } /** * returns the current frames-per-second value. * @return */ public static inline function fps() : Int { #if debug return _instance._fps; #else return -1; #end } // Internal functions #if debug private inline function updateGraphics() { // Write the FPS _fps_spr.text = 'fps: ' + _fps ; // Calculate the maximum time, for scaling the graphs var maxTime = 0.0; var totalTime = 0.1; for ( section in _sectionMap ) { if ( section.time() > maxTime ) maxTime = section.time(); totalTime += section.time(); } if ( _selfTime > maxTime ) maxTime = _selfTime; //totalTime += _selfTime; // Draw the section data graphics.clear(); var cy = _fps_spr.y + _fps_spr.height + 4; for ( section in _sectionMap ) { // Make sure the label is there if ( !contains( section.textField ) ) { addChild( section.textField ); section.textField.y = cy; section.textField.x = _fps_spr.x; } cy += section.textField.height + 2; // Graph background ( max time ) graphics.beginFill( 0x00FF00 ); graphics.drawRect( section.textField.x + section.textField.width + 2, section.textField.y, Profiler.graphWidth, section.textField.height ); graphics.endFill(); // Graph foreground ( section time ) graphics.beginFill( 0xFF0000 ); graphics.drawRect( section.textField.x + section.textField.width + 2, section.textField.y, (section.time()/totalTime)*Profiler.graphWidth, section.textField.height ); graphics.endFill(); } // Graph background ( max time ) graphics.beginFill( 0xAAAAAA ); graphics.drawRect( _fps_spr.x + 2, cy+5, Profiler.graphWidth + _fps_spr.width, 2 ); graphics.endFill(); // Graph foreground ( section time ) graphics.beginFill( 0xFF0000 ); graphics.drawRect( _fps_spr.x + 2 , cy+5, (totalTime/(Lib.getTimer()-_instancedAt))*(Profiler.graphWidth + _fps_spr.width), 2 ); graphics.endFill(); } /** * Start the clock for the internal time log. * This should be called at the beginning of every entry point to the class, * Including event handlers. (But not in functions who can/will only be * called from other in-class functions.) */ private static inline function startThis() { if ( _instance == null ) _instance = new Profiler(); _instance._startedAt = Lib.getTimer(); } /** * Stop the clock for the internal time log. * Should be called at the end of every function who calls startThis(); */ private inline function stopThis() { _instance._selfTime += Lib.getTimer() - _instance._startedAt; } #end public static inline function clamp( min:Float, val:Float, max:Float ) : Float { return min > val ? min : max < val ? max : val; } } #if debug class SectionData { private var section:String; private var startTime:Float; private var totalTime:Float; public var textField:TextField; public function new( name:String ) { section = name; totalTime = 0; start(); // Setup the text field textField = new TextField(); var tf = new TextFormat( "_sans", 10, 0x000000 ); textField.defaultTextFormat = tf; textField.border = false; textField.background = false; textField.text = section; textField.width = 100; textField.height = 15; textField.selectable = false; } public inline function stop() { totalTime += (Lib.getTimer() - startTime ); } public inline function start() { startTime = Lib.getTimer(); } public inline function time() { return totalTime; } public inline function toString() { return "\t" + section + ": " + totalTime + "\n"; } } #end
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